As a logged in author or admin, I can see my recent posts but as a user, I can’t see my latest post unless I purge cloudflare cache. Note that I’m using APO.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have tried disabling the page cache turned on, in my website, it didn’t solve it. I t only stop if I pause cloudflare on my website or I purge cache. So, I have been purging cache everytime for my users to see my latest posts. It wasn’t like that before, even while I was using APO. I just re-ordered APO before I started getting the error. I only see my latest post as a user if I purge cloudflare cache for everything or better still, use ctrl f5, that’s hard refresh as a user to see my latest posts. I have also set the browser TTL to respect existing header but It doesn’t solve it.
I have no configuration done to the APO, just renew and turned on as usual. Don’t even know if it has to do with APO too. If I go to next page on my website, I still get old contents as a user or using incognito mode but as a logged in user, I see new contents. The incognito mode or let’s say users only see new contents when I purge everything on cloudflare.
Same for me as well. The problem started about two weeks ago. Never had issues before in 3 years. I checked if something change on my server, but it wasn’t. Purge Cloudflare cache did resolve it, but only for that moment. I don’t use APO. Something has changed on Cloudflare but don’t know what.