Hi everyone, greetings from Spain. i don´t know anything about this kind of thing but i try to do watching tutos and blogs.
I´´m going to try explain my problem. I have my new website with siteground, yesterday I started to optmize the website befre start to upload the content, and one of the things people said to do is Active Cloud Flare.
Well, I have the hosting with Siteground and the domains with another company. Siteground and Cloudflare told me I had to change the DNS in the settings of the company I have the domain.
Ok, They gave me two new DNS and I went to the settings in the panel of the company where I bought the domains and change the DNS … BUT now the problem is that if I want to change the DNS I hve to put also the IP of the news DNS (the dns of Cloud Flare) and I don´t see anything to put there, I didn´t find the IP I have to put with the news DNS.
I hope I explain well my problem and someone can help me please!
Best regards!