Old account of a domain made by another developer. How to delete?

Hello friends!

I’m new here. I’m taking care of a website (www.entreriosjornal.com.br). He is staying at Dreamhost, a Cloudflare partner. I tried to add the tool there and I got the following message:

Oops. Please revise your Cloudflare settings and resubmit:
Cloudflare is already activated for “entreriosjornal.com.br” under a different account. If you want to enable Cloudflare through this partner, please log in to your Cloudflare account and choose “Disconnect” on your Cloudflare DNS Settings page.

That is, some old developer has already used Cloudflare in this domain.

Is it possible to ask to exclude this old configuration? Or do I have to prove that I take care of the development of this domain?

I await and thank,

Marcelo Gonçalves

A possibly solution would be adding the domain to your Cloudflare account, setting provides DNS records and after activation deleting the domain from Cloudflare.
Actually domain is not set to use Cloudflare and probably Dreamhost is in wrong state about it.

Obrigado Xaq, vou tentar isso e te falo se deu certo.

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