OIDC SSO: Failed to verify oidc token with fresh keys

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What is the error message?

Failed to verify oidc token with fresh keys

What is the issue you’re encountering

OIDC SSO login do not work and reported that error

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Visit https://zzs.cloudflareaccess.com
  2. Login via “FedStack ID”
  3. You can login via email OTP
  4. Go though login and authorize process and get redirect back to cloudflare access
  5. Error occurs

Screenshot of the error

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Hi @thezzisu,

Please check that the system clock in your IdP server is correct. Try synchronizing it with an NTP server.

Did you get it resolved? I got the same error while trying to connect to Line Login

I got the same error. My IdP is Line Login. I don’t see any time problem with it (and I’m also unable to debug).

Verify you have disabled Encryption Key under the Cloudflare provider in Authentik.