Notes to DNS records

Good afternoon. I just had this come up today, as it’s difficult to track the google verification records, which add up when using postmaster tools, analytics, gsuite, etc. Any feedback on implementation of this feature would be appreciated.




With so many different email sending services and other systems requesting some sort of validation via DNS, or DKIM authentication, it would be best if notes could be stored along with the record to indicate what it’s for.



I signed up to cloudflare community just to vote for this.


Me too!


I came here to search for exactly same request and seeing the responses, this has been open for more than 3Yrs. Cloudflare team it would be helpful if someone can respond on when this simple feature will be available. It’s really hard to remember all the DNS entries’ purpose when some of them are added years ago.


I think I may look into migrating zone to terraform configuration and comment there. There’re even tools to export zone entries to terraform format

However I already have most infrastructure (other providers) in terraform, so it may not be everyone case.


Hey there,
I would like to request some new features for CloudFlare dashboard.

A field for each DNS record, where we could later use it to remember why did we add it. I guess it will have a lot of other usages.It could be called note, comment, context, etc.

Tag(s) for each DNS record, where we could group & filter DNS record using tags.



Also looking for this, especially for spf records


And another person looking for this.

With your recent email wizard improvements especially, notes right next to the records would be super useful to help keep track of things.


+1 this feature would be insanely useful. I mean custom fields or tags would be great as well, but this should be so easy to implement. C’mon now Cloudflare :eyes:

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Great news! Cloudflare is hiring:


labels would be great for Zones and dns entries in addition to being able to add free text descriptions to a Zone and to DNS entries

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I would like to voice my support for this feature. We now need to copy our changes to a spreadsheet with a notes column to keep track of what all our records do. Being able to make a note in Cloudflare would be huge. Its a pain always keeping the spreadsheet up-to date.

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Like others, I signed up just to request this. I just spent half an hour tracking down a DNS record that could have been saved if there was a note or label on it.

@cloonan - don’t underestimate the value this small change will bring to your product!


A post was merged into an existing topic: REQUESTS: Categories/Labels for Domains and Saved DNS Templates

Bumping this. So many mail services require CNAME/TXT records, and it’s hard to know which one is for what account… Notes would be a huge value add.


:100:% needed.

Please implement this.

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Great! But that was posted in 2020. Is it on their infinitely long to-do list, somewhere near the bottom?


I’m basically just adding a comment here because this is a very, very old thread, and Discourse hates long threads without regular comments — everything without a comment in the last 30 days is a good candidate for deletion — so, well, here is another comment from someone eagerly awaiting this simple but so useful and fundamental feature…

Hot tip: I have absolutely no idea if Cloudflare uses BIND for their DNS servers, but, if they do, it should be very easy to convert such comments into BIND comments (e.g. everything after a semicolon is a comment), and vice-versa; it’s not as if we’re requesting a fundamental change on the way DNS servers are managed and configured (BIND has been around since the 1980s…), but rather just a web-based interface to an existing feature of BIND


Yes, I cannot see the issue with implementing this - it should not interfere with performance in any way and it seems trivial to implement, no matter what back end (presumably custom) they use.

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