Not receiving routed email

I can find were to post, But my question is related to email routing. I was having a failure message, then I enabled catch all, Now I am not receive anything, it shows now that some messages are dropped others forward. My gmail account to receive is activated.

Please could someone help me, I still having this issue I am unable to send emails to my clients. In the email rout now has the following error message: Unknown error: permanent error (521): 5.3.0 Upstream error

What additional details are shown, when you expand each of these “Error” / “Delivery Failed” rows?

Thank you for your replay. Below is the message:

This one would indicate that you are stacking multiple Email Routing domains on top of each other.

You will need to follow the chain of Email Routing domains and check the “Activity Log”, not only on the first domain, but also the next, and next, and next, until you reach the error from the actual final destination.