I am unable to receive any emails when i enable cloudflare, when i pause it, i get the emails but not when its on
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I researched it but could not find solution, i see many people having same issue, followed all of their solutions but nothing helped. I am using a custom hosting with fastpanel and roundcube as web email client
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
You need to create a DNS record for mail pointing to the IP address of your mail server that is set to “DNS only” and not “Proxied”; currently it will use the proxied wildcard record.
You cannot put an IP in an MX record. It has to be a hostname. The hostname that you use needs to point to the IP of the mailserver and must be set to DNS Only.
Apologies, i am new and trying to learn, So need to create A mail.example.com and content as the server IP and just switch it to DNS instead of Proxy? wouldnt that invalidate the cloudflare function?
Can anyone post a record i just need to add please.
I think i got it, i just added A record with name Mail and the content as my ipv4 address and set it to DNS only, the cloudflare says that IP is exposed but i guess thats the only way.