Hi, for a few days now i get errors in my console.
WebSocket connection to 'wss://*********.com/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=o_APMDct5JQ6Ct2oAGD2' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400
WS.doOpen @ socket.io.js:1
I dont know why…
If you deactivate Cloudflare, i dont get that, but than i cannot hide my own IP Address and something.
Is there a way that i only hide my IP Address without any functions of Cloudflare or something?
Or someone can help why i get that Websocket Problems with active Cloudflare?
Is that needed? I dont have Cloudflare activated cause than i get that error in console.
Dont want to post the domain if its okay. I post the error i found… there is nothing more.
Also checked nginx error logs and something, there is nothing.
It is working without Cloudflare but with Cloudflare it get that error