New Home Screen Empty State

Type of feedback



Hello Cloudflare!

I wanted to report a flaw in the new Home Screen. I know that ‘flaw’ is a serious word in design, but in this case, I think it’s warranted! Let me explain the uncustomary UI pattern that was implemented:

  1. From Accounts, click on your main account
  2. This loads the Home panel, which lists all our zones and search/add (CRUD stuff) controls on the main view.
  3. If you search for a string that is not contained in the list, instead if seeing the same controls with “No search results found” - you get an empty state that removes all controls and your ability to cancel your empty-result search, and reads “Thank you for choosing Cloudflare”
  4. If you want to renew your search, you have to refresh/back out and try again.

This is a terrible pattern, in my opinion. Just show “No results in the list” and leave the search/add controls in a stable position.

Thank you for your consideration!

Hi there ‘alemaire’

If I gather the info that you presented correctly the situation is now resolved showing a correct posture:

Searching a string not contained in the list it does not get an empty state.

Hope it clarifies.