First I had problems with site loading at all when Cloudflare was enabled. Quit loading when enabled. Load when disabled. That one was solved with an update to the whitelist and DNS basic records redone. With the adding of a mx record that was missing for some reason. And the delete of a suspicious looking cname record.
The problem now is the site loads really slow something taking up to 30 seconds according to GT metrix. And the average is 10 seconds. Sometimes it loads in 6 to 8 seconds.
The mew error is this: Error 1020 Ray ID: 534a78a12eceb715 • 2019-11-12 18:11:55 UTC
Access denied
What happened?
This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.
Cloudflare Ray ID: 534a78a12eceb715 • Your IP: 2601:344:8302:58c0:b107:*************• Performance & security by Cloudflare
This is what I get if I try to access the admin panel. And this comes up on all 4 sites that I have.This is the site and if you add the normal admin login page you’ll get this error.
To figure out what you can affect, you may want to run the tests, pause Cloudflare and run the tests again. That’ll give you an idea of performance changes with Cloudflare. On first look, seems there are some issues with themes and CSS that you may want to address to improve load time.
Please share the results here as some users have gone through similar performance tuning and may be able to assist.
Just when I thought I had fixed most everything the 522 error came back and blocked everything. The only way I can make the site work is disable cloudflare. So for now it’s disabled.
Error 522 Ray ID: 535268d1d8b4b715 • 2019-11-13 17:19:14 UTC
@cloonan If there’s a “rate limiting at the origin”, would cloudflare show this error (522 status code) automatically? Sometimes when i click in a link in my website, cloudflare show this error automatically with no delay, and i need to reload the page.
Unfortunately i can’t share the domain. But it happens 10~15% of the time when i click in a link (since yersterday). Also my website is kinda slow sometimes. I was using a API to get contents from another domain, i had to host these contents in my server, because there was a bunch of “Connection timed out” in the nginx logs, now it don’t show errors in the nginx logs, but it’s still kinda slow sometimes.