New Domain on CF is misconfigured. Help!

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?

no error number

What is the error message?

Shopify Domain Misconfigured

What is the issue you’re encountering generates an error page that this domain points to Shopify but isn’t configured properly

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Shopify Support suggested I change the A Name record name field from blackumbrellacom to @, but when I do so and save the record, the name field reverts back to blackumbrellacom. Help please!

Screenshot of the error

That’s normal, Cloudflare will show the domain in the dashboard after you have entered @.

The AAAA record also points to Shopify. Set that to “DNS only” instead of “Proxied” as well to see if that stops the Shopify error.

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Made the changes and will see if that eliminates the error. thx!

Your site works ok for If doesn’t work, make sure you have configured Shopify for that as well.

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