New DNS Zone Transfer and Web Site

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error message?

I have signed up for the free tier and have moved our DNS records to cloudflare. I have also pointed our domains name servers to cloudflare. I have also enabled “proxy” on our webserver DNS records. When I go to the dashboard → Analytics and Logs it shows zero Web Requests. The DNS changes were made 4 days ago. I find it very unsettling that there are no web requests logged. The website is working correctly.

What is the issue you’re encountering

Zero Web Traffic Reported

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

Your site headers indicate you are using WP Engine who also use Cloudflare. Make sure you are using their CNAME and it is “Proxied”, and not any A, AAAA or other CNAME records to point to WPEngine. Proxied CNAMEs are required for requests to pass through your account first, otherwise they go direct to WPEngine’s account.

See here…

Thanks @sjr. When I look at this guide it says to point my CNAME to (I am using Global Edge Security with WPE). But when I logon to WPE it says to use a different CNAME of [email protected]. I am a little confused what it should be set to. Any ideas?

Best to check with WPEngine

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