New account issues after creation

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I don’t know / other


I cant work with my account . When I try to open support ticket or do any operation on the account i get this Authentication error (Code: 10000)
When I try to add a domain I get this: Requires permission “” to create zones for the selected account

May I ask if you’ve tried to logout and log back into the Cloudflare dashboard? :thinking:

Possibly, you’d need to clear all the cache and cookies to fix it, or try by using a different Web browser.

May I ask did you received an email for account verification? :thinking:

Are you the superadmin of the account? Have you been added to manage someone else’s Cloudflare account? :thinking:

I have tried everything and nothing worked . Just now after writing in the forum the issue got fixed somehow.
Thx for the support


I did a resync on auth policies and that seems to have worked!


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