I have had a lot of problems since I started this Wordpress site. Some have been fixed, thanks to the very helpful people on here.
One thing that I cannot fix, and I have tried hundreds of suggestions, is that the admin pages just keep loading forever at times, some times it’s super fast. Most of the time it just hangs up when I try and post, go to plugins, or anywhere on the admin section.
Most of the time the site itself loads super fast…but at other times it just won’t open.
I’m at my witts end! I don’t know if I am allowed to post the link to my website, so I won’t.
I am on GoDaddy managed hosting. I have read that GoDaddy has a lot of problems on managed hosting. I really don’t want to throw away all my hard work, but I am so close to just giving up.
Any help would really be appreciated!
Thanks, again,