What is the name of the domain?
What is the issue you’re encountering
Do not know how to update the 2 DNS records in the attached snapshot.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Do not know how to update DNS records.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
DNS not responding/updating
Screenshot of the error
Hello! I added a Type A DNS record and got an error message with my I.P address stating that it wasn’t allowed with a proxy record. Not sure what it means!
Can you share a screenshot of the error? Block out any IP addresses please
I could not screen shot the error message but it stated ’Target IP.Address is not allowed for Proxy Record’
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Thank you, are you using shopify?
The Wedsite Provider is Carrd
Thank you, that IP address is a private IP address (discussed here, What Is a Private IP Address?), you should contact Carrd to see if they can give you a valid public IP.
More details here, Target is not allowed for a proxied record. (Code: 9003)
That Ip address space is managed by Cloudflare so you would want to set the record as DNS only.