Nameservers still waiting, but change has already been made


yesterday, I added new domain to my CF account. Changed the nameservers like I always do. DNS lookup is already telling me that records are reported from (Network Tools: DNS,IP,Email) but domain is still inactive here on CF. I previously added three sites with exact same procedure, there has been no problem. It’s the first time I’m encountering this issue. Have I done something wrong ? Thanks. Domain is

Your DNSSEC configuration appears to be corrupt. You probably still have outdated values at your registrar. Update these with what Cloudflare provided you with or disable DNSSEC altogether.

Hi, thank you for your answer. Yes, E-mail about DNSSEC configuration arrived informing me that there might be some issues, but I have DNSSEC turned off in my cloudflare DNS panel

You also need to disable it on your registrar’s side.

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