Nameservers invaild


I want to add the nameservers to use CDN on my website.
My Website hoster is 1&1 Ionos.

When I add the custom nameservers for CDN (Picture: Screenshot by Lightshot)

I get this error:
Invalid name server settings

I called 1&1, they told me it has nothing to do with 1&1.

I also checked the nameserver on a third website Nameserver Check - DENIC eG
They are also telling me, that the nameservers dosent work.

I hope someone can help me.
Thank you.

You would have to go to your domain registrar and use the two Cloudflare name servers instead of the four ui-dns ones. Sometimes this is tricky for .de domains, but give it a try at (if that’s your registrar).


I thought it would be the usual registry validation issue and guess what, it is the usual registry validation issue :wink:

@champlife, your domain must be still associated with another Cloudflare account which comes with the nameservers adel and zod, whereas your current account assigned bob and lorna. The .de registry is one of those few (.dk and .it as well) who believe they need to verify the nameservers and that wont work in this context.

Long story short, use the previous account if possible. If not remove the domain from there and if that is not possible either you can only contact either your registry or Cloudflare and have one of them the values set forcibly.


Hey Sandro,

thanks for your time.
I didnt associated the domain with an other Cloudflare account. This is 100% my only account.

Can you tell me how I can contact the Cloudflare support? I looked for it, but didnt find andything except this forum.

Thank you

login to Cloudflare and then contact Cloudflare Support, there is a ‘Get more help’ option to contact support.

Then it might have been added by someone else. The domain it defintely already configured, otherwise we wouldnt have two pairs of nameserver.

Best is to contact support in the way @domjh suggested.

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