Nameservers are updated but cloudflare still asking to change

i have domain, i have updated nameservers from my side. but cf is still asking for it? i also noticed my nameservers are updated.

using this nameserver tool. i also use DIG to check and i saw nameservers are there. i know it may 48 hours but i’m afraid if something is wrong from my side? because usually its just few minutes.

Thank you,

Hi @ammadkhalid12,

There seem to be NS records pointing to Cloudflare, but the authoritative nameservers still point to

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Wouldn’t that be because Cloudflare hasn’t activated it yet?

Got it, thank you very much!

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I don’t think so… Cloudflare won’t usually activate the zone if there are only NS records but query for the authoritative nameservers.

Then what triggers SOA? Just randomly (or purposefully) setting name servers?

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Yes, SOA. Now i have updated and added my hosting A record to dns and domain is seems to working now. However i’m not taking advantage of cloudflare but that’s fine for current time.

It worked because i’m not using CF and just pointed directly to my hosting with A record. I’ll use letsencrypt for https.

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