Name Servers Transfere

Im new to Cloudflare, I have a domain its name servers are pointing to the host of my web page. To use Cloudfare i need to change the name servers on the host to Cloudflares name servers after doing that will my domain still point to my web page created on the host or is there something else I must do???

Yes, your site is your site and it will remain hosted on your existing server. When you sign up for Cloudflare, we point traffic to your site. I’d step through a couple of these #Tutorials, they outline the steps really well. I’d start here with adding your domain, Step 1: Adding your domain to Cloudflare.

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Thank You I have added my domain and I’m at the point to change the name servers I just want to be sure before I do that because I think i can’t change them back if i make mistake for 60 days.

The 60 days should only apply to transfer of domains between registrars and that’s an icann rule. You may want to scan this Tutorials as well, good tips on avoiding downtime while you switch over, Deprecated - How to eliminate (or minimise) downtime when adding your domain to Cloudflare.

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ok Thankxx

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