My Workers Always Give me 1101 ERROR Code

These days, when i’m using workers, it always showed me a 500 error like this:
500 Internal Server Error

and the console threw me the error message like this:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
at fetchFiles (worker.js:168)
at async handleRequest (worker.js:35)
fetchFiles @ worker.js:168
Promise.catch (async)
(anonymous) @ worker.js:46
Uncaught (in response) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined

Now i can’t create a new worker because whichever i created it always give me 1101 error, and the recent one which recently was successful deployed after i edited also has this kind of error.

What should i do?

Can you post your code here?

The Following is one of my workers, when i deploy a new one using this code, and it will give me 1101 error, but others which had already deployed will not give me this error unless i edit them and deploy again

// 替换成你想镜像的站点
const upstream = ‘’

// 如果那个站点有专门的移动适配站点,否则保持和上面一致
const upstream_mobile = ‘’

// 你希望禁止哪些国家访问
const blocked_region = [‘’]

// 禁止自访问
const blocked_ip_address = [‘’, ‘’]

// 替换成你想镜像的站点
const replace_dict = {
‘$upstream’: ‘$custom_domain’,
//’: ‘’

addEventListener(‘fetch’, event => {

async function fetchAndApply(request) {

const region = request.headers.get('cf-ipcountry').toUpperCase();
const ip_address = request.headers.get('cf-connecting-ip');
const user_agent = request.headers.get('user-agent');

let response = null;
let url = new URL(request.url);
let url_host =;

if (url.protocol == 'http:') {
    url.protocol = 'https:'
    response = Response.redirect(url.href);
    return response;

if (await device_status(user_agent)) {
    upstream_domain = upstream
} else {
    upstream_domain = upstream_mobile
} = upstream_domain;

if (blocked_region.includes(region)) {
    response = new Response('Access denied: WorkersProxy is not available in your region yet.', {
        status: 403
} else if(blocked_ip_address.includes(ip_address)){
    response = new Response('Access denied: Your IP address is blocked by WorkersProxy.', {
        status: 403
} else{
    let method = request.method;
    let request_headers = request.headers;
    let new_request_headers = new Headers(request_headers);

    new_request_headers.set('Host', upstream_domain);
    new_request_headers.set('Referer', url.href);

    let original_response = await fetch(url.href, {
        method: method,
        headers: new_request_headers

    let original_response_clone = original_response.clone();
    let original_text = null;
    let response_headers = original_response.headers;
    let new_response_headers = new Headers(response_headers);
    let status = original_response.status;

    new_response_headers.set('access-control-allow-origin', '*');
    new_response_headers.set('access-control-allow-credentials', true);

    const content_type = new_response_headers.get('content-type');
    if (content_type.includes('text/html') && content_type.includes('UTF-8')) {
        original_text = await replace_response_text(original_response_clone, upstream_domain, url_host);
    } else {
        original_text = original_response_clone.body

    response = new Response(original_text, {
        headers: new_response_headers
return response;


async function replace_response_text(response, upstream_domain, host_name) {
let text = await response.text()

var i, j;
for (i in replace_dict) {
    j = replace_dict[i]
    if (i == '$upstream') {
        i = upstream_domain
    } else if (i == '$custom_domain') {
        i = host_name

    if (j == '$upstream') {
        j = upstream_domain
    } else if (j == '$custom_domain') {
        j = host_name

    let re = new RegExp(i, 'g')
    text = text.replace(re, j);
return text;


async function device_status (user_agent_info) {
var agents = [“Android”, “iPhone”, “SymbianOS”, “Windows Phone”, “iPad”, “iPod”];
var flag = true;
for (var v = 0; v < agents.length; v++) {
if (user_agent_info.indexOf(agents[v]) > 0) {
flag = false;
return flag;

Another one is this, it’s a script to use microsoft’s onedrive api and get the file list in my onedrive, the script is here