My website was hacked and now recovered, but the phishing warning isn't removed yet

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

Suspected Phishing Warning

What is the error message?

Warning Suspected Phishing This website has been reported for potential phishing. Phishing is when a site attempts to steal sensitive information by falsely presenting as a safe source.

What is the issue you’re encountering

Our website ‘acropolisinfotech’ was hacked and the hackers deleted the content of our website. They further uploaded random web pages on the website. The website is not full recovered and made secured. However, cloudflare is showing a ‘suspected phishing’ warning to the visitors of the website.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

We have recovered the website, cleaned our server and made the website secure. Also, I wrote to [email protected] for review but nothing happened. Been over a couple of days.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

simply visit and you will see the warning by cloudflare.

Screenshot of the error


Thank you for asking.

I am sorry to hear this happen. Furthermore, this issue needs to be clearified with Cloudflare’s Trust and Safety team.

You should have received an email from [email protected].
The best course of action is to respond to that email in order to get the warnings removed. If you haven’t received an email, then you can send them one, explaining this case.

Might take more, I’d say a week or so. It will come.
You’ll have to wait your turn in the T&S queue until they review the issue.

Thank you

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