My website was hacked and now recovered, but the phishing warning isn’t removed yet

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

Suspected Phishing Warning Abuse Report 59419d3274d43872

What is the error message?

Warning Suspected Phishing This site has reported potential phishing attempts. Phishing is when a website attempts to steal sensitive information by falsely presenting itself as a safe source.

What is the issue you’re encountering

Our website"" was hacked and the hacker deleted the content of our website. They also uploaded random web pages to the website. The site is not fully restored and secure. However, cloudflare displays a "suspected phishing"warning to website visitors.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

We have restored the site, cleaned our servers and secured the site. In addition, I did not receive an email reminder from [email protected], and I have applied for review in the Security Center, but nothing has happened in the past week.

What is the current SSL/TLS setting?


Currently either Pause or Unproxied, I get 404 instead. Is your web server correctly configured? :thinking:

May I ask if you’ve checked your mailbox for any email from Abuse Cloudflare? :thinking:

Did you followed the steps on your Dashboard and selected a Request review?

Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 2.10.06 PM

Only the team at the address you already contacted could help you in this case.
I am afraid the Cloudflare community cannot help here. You would need to discuss this with them.

Sorry for the issue, the Community does not have access to see any Trust & Safety cases, so we cannot assist further.

The Trust & Safety team has to get back to you. You will have to wait your turn in the T&S queue until the team review your case/issue (days, or a week).

When you Log into your Cloudflare dashboard you should see a message providing more details on the reason behind this flagging and how to request a review →


Since the homepage was warned about security, the domain name was temporarily resolved to the source IP.

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