I had added A Record for subdomain (apps.digital-marketing-secrets.com) to point to But upon checked traceroute, it stuck at Cloudflare IP I had tried to Purge Everything on Cache Configuration, but still not working.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
That is the exact same website that I see when visiting your server directly. Please make sure that you are using the Full (strict) SSL mode in Cloudflare and that your website is properly configured with an SSL certificate for your subdomain.
I’m using Full SSL, not Full (Strict), because I have other subdomains pointing to other providers. But, previously when I tried to use Full (Strict), I encountered Error “Too many redirect”. Any further help with using Full SSL?
The first subdomain is displaying the website correctly in https://
The second subdomain is not displaying the website correctly in https://
According to my hosting provider comments on the second subdomain is “the only site that has direct access to that domain is Cloudflare, and the rest of the world connects to that site through the Cloudflare caching (IP addresses are and”
Upon their traceroute checking, it stops at Cloudflare Caching IP and it doesn’t reach the destination IP