My site don´t shows https

Hello! I setup Cloudflare in my parked domain from Freenom. The host is provided by Today I access Cloudflare panel and saw this message: ’ Great news! Cloudflare is now protecting your site’. Then, I set up some tools in Crypto panel: SSL Flexible + Always Use HTTPS + Automatic HTTPS Rewrites. But, even doing these, the site is not showing https. What I am doing wrong? Any help, please. :wink:

Mixed Content.

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Plus, IIRC that host does not offer SSL, so the page can never be secure in the first place.

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Thanks for the tips. I install Really Simple SSL at WP panel & it works now! :slight_smile:

As long as you dont have a certificate on your server (which as I mentioned you cant in that case) your site still wont be secure.

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