My site does not respond under the main browsers, but it still works from under the VPN. It also passes tests of ping and others. No changes were made to the site files or to the mysql database.
What should I do? How to fix? Can somebody please help me?
Pretty sure there’s a 522 #CommunityTip on that, but the answer is in your hosting providers log files, here are the steps I found:
(Most common cause) Cloudflare IP addresses are rate limited or blocked in .htaccess, iptables, or firewalls. Confirm your hosting provider whitelists Cloudflare IP addresses.
An overloaded or offline origin web server drops incoming requests.
The origin IP address in your Cloudflare DNS app does not match the IP address currently provisioned to your origin web server by your hosting provider.
(Most common cause) Cloudflare IP addresses are rate limited or blocked in .htaccess, iptables, or firewalls. Confirm your hosting provider whitelists Cloudflare IP addresses
Сhecked, ip is not in the blocklist
An overloaded or offline origin web server drops incoming requests.
Сhecked, keepalives not disabled at the origin web server
The origin IP address in your Cloudflare DNS app does not match the IP address currently provisioned to your origin web server by your hosting provider.
Сhecked, origin IP address in my Cloudflare DNS application matches the IP address currently provided to my source web server by my hosting provider.
Packets were dropped at your origin web server.
Сhecked, packets are not dropped on the origin web server.
UPD. Still have ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUTin browsers without vpn, in browsers with vpn my site opens successfully
I use windows 10.
Packet exchange with [] with 32 data bytes:
Timed out request.
Timed out request.
Timed out request.
Timed out request.
Ping statistics for
Packets: sent = 4, received = 0, lost = 4
(100% loss)
Packet exchange with [] with 32 bytes of data:
Timed out request.
Timed out request.
Timed out request.
Timed out request.
Ping statistics for
Packets: sent = 4, received = 0, lost = 4
(100% loss)
It would appear as if your ISP does not route the request to Cloudflare.
Either there is an issue or they blocked that particular address. The latter is not uncommon in a Russian context. Just use the search here and you will find plenty of threads.