My registrant not changed even after accepting all the confirmation email

i need help about my registrant whois,
basically i need to change the registrant to company details,
because when bought it for the first time i use my default registrant detail and i think i just need to change it later.

but i have tried to change the detail and nothing work! it wont changed at all!
i have submit ticket 3months ago, but nevertheless still not solved…


  1. i just need to change the “registrant” detail
  2. i fill out the details of the company including the company email its using gsuite of the same domain i try to change the registrant info
  3. accepting both email on my cloudflare account email and on the company email
  4. nothing change…

Best regards, thank you

Be aware that changes to registrant details can restart the 60-day transfer lock. If you are planning on transferring your domain like you mentioned in the other topic that you posted at the same time as this one, you will have to wait 60 days before you can transfer the domain. You will be better of to correct the registrant details after you transfer the domain.


Thanks, for now the matter has been sorted out. i will close this
Thanks a lot!