My domain nameservers we changed last week, yet it is not reflecting as propogated

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

Domain unable to propograte

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?


Welcome to the Cloudflare Community. :logodrop:

According to this test, your nameservers are set to kurt and millie.

You do not appear to have configured any records in your DNS. You can follow these directions to change that.

Hi, I had changed then name servers and I am attached the pictures

Those NS records in your Cloudflare DNS will have no effect. You can’t use NS records for the apex domain to override the authoritative nameservers set at the registry through your registrar, you can only use NS records to delegate subdomains.

You can’t change nameservers for a domain registered with Cloudlfare Registrar as is indicated at the time of purchase. Either you need to add the DNS records to your Cloudflare DNS, or you will need to transfer your domain to another registrar after the 60-day lock if you want to point to other nameservers.

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So can i point my domain to the external host in order to run the website?

From Cloudflare, using A/AAAA/CNAME records, yes.

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