Changing my password and signing on. Acccount is blank.
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
My Cloudflare account has gone blank (empty)!
This is VERY frustrating! And alarming.
It is rare for me to sign on to my Clourflare account, as I rarely need to change anything and domains are set to renew automatically
But a few weeks ago I tried to sign on an got some sort of authentication error. I don’t recall the wording. I had changed NOTHING, so this was worrisome. I tried and tried then gave up for a day and tried again. Same error, same failure. I could not send a support message without logging on (!). Is that ridiculous or not??
I was offered to use my Apple ID to sign on. I did than and apparently succeeded, but I ended up at a place that looked like an entirely blank fresh account. No payment methods registered, and none of my (registered at Cloudflare!) domains were listed. No DNS settings were visible.
I signed out and tried again to sign in using my regular email address (I may have changed my password while logged in with my Apple I). I was able to sign in with my email address but again, all the account info still was COMPLETELY BLANK. Where did it go? What happened? I can I fix it?
My domain info seems to be working (email to registered domains is working, etc.)
I want my account back!! Without my account working, how do I renew my domains? How would I change my DNS info??
Trying to contact a human at Cloudflare seems to be entirely impossible. Let me know if there’s a secret.
Sorry to hear about the issue with your dashboard. Can you please post a screenshot of what it looks like? Have you also tried using your browser’s Incognito Mode?
As soon as you post your ticket # here, we’ll be glad to investigate.
Here’s a previous ticket, that I never received a response to: 00989858. Here’s another I just created: 01040985. I attached a screenshot (as you requested) to that second ticked.
After logging in, I read my ticked. It was closed because I don’t have a Cloudflare account. WHAT!? I’m logged in, looking at my ticket and it says I don’t have an account. Ridiculous.
After more searching I found several posts were people described having the exact situation that I did: Days of ‘not authenticated’ errors, followed by many different attempts, finally being able to log in and… their account is blank, See for example, this one: My account seems empty? or this one: My domains and payment history have disappeared.
If I can not get my account restored to its original status, is it possible to ‘extract’ my domain registration info and DNS info and move it to a entirely new account? Right now, although I am the registered owner of several domains (with Cloudflare as the registrar), I have no way to authorize the transfer of any because my account is blank.
that means you have more than one account. You are correct, the reply on 01040985 should have indicated you are not the owner of an account that has the active website. The team can only work with the account holder of the active account.
Try these recovery options to identify the account that holds the active website, as the only way you’ll be able to regain access is by knowing and having access to the email address of the account. You should try the second option.
These links may help, but they only work when logged out