Mobile version has high TTFB

Hello, my website’s mobile version has a very high response time (5-7 sec.). It is loading fast, but TTFB is terrible.
I use:

  • AMP
  • CDN is connected via WP Fastest Cache
    The desktop version has also a bit high response time, but it is not a problem.
    Can you tell me where is the problem and how can I fix it? Thanks!

Wow…the AMP conversion is really slowing it down!

I don’t use AMP, so how did you enable it?

Plugin AMP for WP, but I use a page rule (disable performance and disable apps) to stay configured to Cloudflare.

Cloudflare can’t speed up your site’s AMP plugin, but you can cache everything in /amp/. It seems your site doesn’t have user accounts, to that makes things much easier.

Try adding a Page Rule:
Add Setting: Cache Level (Cache Everything) and an Edge Cache TTL of (1 day, or whatever you’d like to keep the content up to date).

Works perfectly.Thank You very much!

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