I am currently working on a site called “https://www.trafikspejle.dk/”. I installed the Cloudflare CDN and got great scores on gtmetrix. Then a day after I suddenly see that no images are loading, and the landing page is completely in HTML with no CSS loading. I have searched and searched, and I just can’t seem to find anyone who has fixed this problem.
Can anyone help identify how to fix this problem?
Thanks a lot.
Async JavaScript Cloudflare Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly) Far Future Expiration Plugin Fast Velocity Minify Really Simple SSL W3 Total Cache
I thought the Minify plug-in was doing the harm, and I tried to use Cloudflares integrated “Auto Minify” instead, but that didn’t seem to fix anything. I am really lost at what to do.
I just tried that, and it didn’t seem to have any effect.
Stupid question but:
Did I understand it correctly that the only thing you have to do in setting up a CDN through Cloudflare is by changing the nameservers to Cloudflare’s? On performance sites such as gtmetrix, I get high scores for using a CDN, so I figure it must be working…