SORRY if you are the owner of the domain please contact the web host, however this is simply a domain redirect and we do not have a hosted site on this domain
What is the issue you’re encountering
The domain kidneystonehotline .com does not redirect.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Confirmed via mxtoolbox the WHOIS records are showing Cloudflare. Confirmed via mxtoolbox the DNS servers are pointed to Cloudflare correctly. Confirmed with nslookup the DNS servers for Cloudflare are able to resolve the domain. Deleted and recreated the CNAME and purged DNS cache on Cloudflare on both the problem domain and domain it redirects to.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
This got it. Odd that none of the other domains I am pointing to the same target URL have their SSL/TLS set to Full (strict) and they are all working without error.