'maximum number of certificates has been reached' for Cloudflare Access mTLS Service Auth


I’m having trouble to add a CA Certificate to mTLS Service Auth for Cloudflare Access. When I try to add my CA Certificate, I get this error message:

There was an error creating a new mTLS certificate. Error: access.api.error.invalid_request: maximum number of certificates has been reached

But this is the first certificate I’m trying to add there.

I also found other posts about this isse on the internet, but none where solved so far. As I’m a free user and can’t contact support it would be awesome if one of you knows whats going on here.

Thank you and cheers!

It sounds like you are trying to add mTLS authentication to your Access configuration. This is only available on the enterprise plan:

Mutual TLS · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs

Wouldn’t it be great to limit the mTLS usage to a certain amount of applications, seats?
I know, that cloudflare is not only focussing the small / hobbyist customer, but they do, by providing an amount of services free of charge (or with small charges)
Personally i do like CF for my business and personal usage - and I would love to see mTLS in the next time :smiley: