Make a bucket public

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Hello, I’ve just started working with R2, I’m coming from S3/GCP bucket where you can set a bucket public very easy, I’m trying to do the same with R2 but I can’t find a solution yet, my domain is not on my Cloudflare account (it is in OVH), I would like to avoid using a worker as my project is very small and I would like to keep just the api without other stuff to maintain, is it possible somehow to just upload an image/audio and make it public to be served in my website? many thanks

May I suggest below article to enable and configure it:

Unfortunately I don’t have a domain in Cloudflare as my domain is managed by another provider (OVH)

If you are not able to use a Custom Domain (which must use Cloudflare DNS), you can enable public access to an R2 bucket through a Cloudflare-managed subdomain.