Lock Icon With!

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

In chrome both my domain and subdomain are displaying as being unsecure but in firefox my domain has a lock icon with an exclamation mark and my subdomain is showing being secure with the lock icon. I can’t figure out what the problem is, would anyone know? Domain is styleartc.com and subdoamin pets.styleartc.com

Are you still seeing the problem?

I don’t see any “insecure” message for either site in any browser. See Chrome screenshots below.

But I can see a new TLS certificate was issued just 2 days ago. So perhaps this was a stale TLS session with the old certificate?

This is what I’m seeing:

The subdomain is on a different host, I uploaded one page from it to my domain’s host and the page from the subdomain was also showing as unsecure so I know it doesn’t have anythin todo with the code but I can’t figure out what’s wrong

I noticed that if I put https:// in front of the domain or subdomain it shows a secure lock icon in chrome but in firefox it doesn’t make any difference, it is still showing a lock icon with an exclamation mark. I tried the different ssl mode settings and I get the same result. Does anyone know what the problem can be?

Problem is with your server. Pause Cloudflare and make sure the site loads fine on HTTPS.

You will have to contact your host to get this fixed. Once your site loads fine on HTTPS, you can unpause Cloudflare, not before that.

I don’t know what you mean by see if it loads on https. I don’t have a ssl certificate for the site on the server, I just have what cloudflare provides for ssl. I do have another domain on that same server with ssl certificate from Let’s Encrypt and it loads with the secure icon. That site is not connected with cloudflare.

Yes, that’s the exact issue. So follow the steps mentioned earlier and it will work.

Thanks for trying to help. I don’t know what the problem was but I fixed it by getting a Let’s Encrypt certificate, deleting Cloudflare’s dns from my domain registrar and removing my site from Cloudflare