Here is an example of the problem I have encountered:
On this page of my WordPress website, hosted by SiteGround:
In a sentence that begins, “UPDATE: I uploaded an 92-page WHITE PAPER…”, “WHITE PAPER” is hyperlinked to
When I click that link, I receive these error messages:
This site can’t be
unexpectedly closed the connection.FIREFOX:
Secure Connection Failed. The connection
was interrupted while the page was loading. The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.CHROME:
This site can’t be
unexpectedly closed the connection. Try:
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
All browsers are updated regular and all are most recent version. I cleared cache for each browser.
I have used the WordPress plugin SSL Insecure Content Fixer for more than a year without a problem. Nonetheless I tried accessing uploaded PDF files with that plugin deactivated, but it did not make a difference.
I did search the forum for similar topics. I have read “How do I fix the SSL Mixed Content Error Message?”
I open to any suggestions!
Many thanks - Mark
P.S. I uploaded images of my Cloudflare settings–both from within SiteGround and on, and I copied-and-pasted other possibly relevant info below. I admit to being in over my head with a lot of this, but I am trying to learn.
Operating System: Linux
Server: Apache
Memory usage: 11.87 MByte
MYSQL Version: 5.6.36-82.1-log
PHP Version: 7.0.26
PHP Allow URL fopen: On
PHP Memory Limit: 768M
PHP Max Upload Size: 128M
PHP Max Post Size: 128M
PHP Max Script Execute Time: 120
PHP Exif support: Yes ( V7.0.)
PHP IPTC support: Yes
PHP XML support: Yes
Site URL:
Home URL:
WordPress Version: 4.9.1
WordPress DB Version: 38590
Multisite: No
Active Theme: eleven40 Pro Theme 2.2.1
Site Title:
Site Language: en-US
Front Page Displays: posts
Search Engine Visibility: 1
Permalink Setting: /%postname%/
Active Plugins
Accelerated Mobile Pages: 0.9.71
Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.0.2
All In One SEO Pack Pro: 2.5.3
EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud: 4.0.6
Genesis Design Palette Pro: 1.3.22
Genesis Design Palette Pro - Entry Content: 1.0.4
Genesis Simple Edits: 2.2.0
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP):
JCH Optimize Pro: 2.2.1
Redirection: 2.10.1
Sassy Social Share: 3.1.6
SBI! for WP: 1.7.6
SG Optimizer: 3.3.5
Simple Social Icons: 2.0.1
SSL Insecure Content Fixer: 2.5.0
TinyMCE Advanced: 4.6.7
Wordfence Security: 6.3.22
WP Broken Link Status Checker: 1.0.4