I currently have it installed but when I log in to the Cloudflare website panel, it seems that everything I can do is there.
Is it recommended to minify js/css?
No, it’s not necessary. I don’t use it because I like to configure Cloudflare directly on the Cloudflare dashboard.
Yes, I recommend you minify js/css from the Cloudflare Speed settings.
Minify is checked for js, css, and html yet when I view my site source, it’s not minified. Maybe I’m not understanding how it works exactly?
Good question. Lots of my files don’t seem to get minified, but if I minify them with my caching plugin…my page load time still doesn’t increase. But sometimes I do see a cf-bgi header that shows Minify.
Here’s more info:
Though you don’t need to use the plugin, there are two things you can only do if you use it:
Server Push, which you need to enable by editing wp-config.php, but only works with the plugin running.
Automatic Cache Management, which will do a purge based on things you do on your website installation, such as adding/removing content, changing theme etc.
Also, it has a button to Optimize Cloudflare for WordPress, which is a one time deal and can be also performed by following this list.
However, there is one item in that list that is recommended but you can no longer do on the Cloudflare Dashboard, and I’m not sure if it still recommended. Is it @sdayman?
IPV6 Compatibility Off
I don’t even know why IPv6 Compatibility is something they would mention in a WordPress checklist, as it has nothing specifically to do with WordPress. As far as I can tell, it maintains IPv6 all the way through if the visitor is using IPv6 and the server supports it.
That Automatic Cache Management, from what I remember, auto-purges everything for theme mods/changes. Since CF doesn’t cache content by default, that doesn’t make a lot of sense for a simplified plugin.
As for Server Push, I haven’t found it to provide any measurable speedup of a WordPress site.
If I remember it well, there was an issue with wordpress.org, and that would impact some operations like adding plugins or themes directly from the dashboard. But it’s a while I’ve read something about that, the situation may have changed.
I’m surprised to hear this. I have found Server Push to make a significant impact on my WP website, specially if you measure it using a 3G profile.
I had to turn if off on my main website, though, because it is kind of heavy, with too many assets to preload, and the plugin does not let you chose a few files, it pushes everything it can, and for that reason server push was resulting in a blank screen on iOS Safari (which I could not debug, as I don’t have a Mac). But on smaller installations it worked very well as far as reducing loading time goes.
I’m now testing conditionally preloading some large files on a HTTP header, which CF treats as server push, while preconnecting to some third-party services. Along with Rocket Loader, I saw significant loading time reduction, a reduction I could not see when using either SP or RL alone.
With server push I have a different problem. Suppose I have a javascript test.js with 4 hours browser cache expiration. and I have set server push for test.js. I load it 1st time on chrome it should get cached in browser and second time I load it should run from browser. But in server push case it run from CDN rather than browser cache.
This is not what should happen. In my test with a standard WordPress installation, if I enable server push on Cloudflare (via wp-config.php) all assets that a page has that can be pushed are pushed, but only on the first visit (or while the cache doesn’t expire). All subsequent visits the files are served form disk memory (cache).
I was not using plugin but using this Link: </css/style.css>; rel=preload; and it was loading from Cloudflare in second time rather than cache.
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