Is .ooo is approved for SSL certification?

my domain is not getting SSL … please help

I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. What error are you getting?

There are .ooo sites with Cloudflare certificates.

Simple certificates are domain validated.
You just need to be able to demonstrate control. In case of Cloudflare certificates control is demonstrated by changing the name servers and they provide them through their PKI. This has nothing to to with the top level (com, ooo…).

There’s just one restriction I know of:
Embargos. (Like Iran domains for example)

What’s the ssl status on your dashboard? Sometimes there’s a delay on authorizing certs.

This site can’t be reach

Please post a screenshot of your SSL/TLS settings in your Cloudflare dashboard.

Your site isn’t going through Cloudflare. It’s still using Ezyro name servers that point to your iFastNet server.

You’ll need to go to your domain registrar and change the name servers to what Cloudflare lists on your Cloudflare DNS page. They’re listed below your DNS records.

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