IP is blocked in Cloudflare

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?


What is the issue you’re encountering

403 forbidden

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

add the ip in allowed list

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

my ip is blocked by cloudflare


Thank you for asking.

I am sorry to hear you’re experiencing an issue here.

May I ask if you’re still experiencing the same error?
Have you fixed the issue?
Is it working now?

May I ask you to cross-check and share your actual domain name in bracketed dot [.] notation (example[dot]com) here so we could double-check, troubleshoot and provide some more feedback information about the issue? :thinking:

May I ask if you’re experiencing this error while you’re trying to visit your own Website or someone else’s? :thinking:

Could you feedback information if you’ve created a Custom Rule in Firewall for this under the Security tab of the Cloudflare dashboard? :thinking:
If so, could you share a screenshot of this particular rule?
Is it the only one or you have got multiple rules as well?
Is it the first one from above on the list?
Did you added it to the IP Access Rules possibly?

I assume they’re proxied and :orange: , correct? :thinking:

Kindly I’d suggest you to double-check and provide us some more details about which service did it trigger and got that result if you navigate to the Cloudflare dashboard → Security → Overview and then lookup for the past 24hours or so.

Once you find them, click on a particular one to find more details about it (user-agent, IP, HTTP version …).

Could you share some details which service was triggered that blocked you?

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