IP Access Rules limits

Hi folks

Is there a (good) reason why the IP Access Rules limit IPv6 to /32, /48 and /64? I have a /56 at home and can’t use it there.

The workaround is creating a custom WAF rule but that’s not ideal.

Good question!

Might be a question for the Support personel, except it isn’t some kind of an infra limitations or the implementation of the mechanism (task, job … ) itself running in the background on some kind of an limited, restricted or obsolete code to execute such functions :thinking: :man_shrugging:

Cool :sunglasses:

Nowadays Custom Rules are more powerfull than those back few years ago. You could also “skip” things or specific rules(sets) as well.

Would be using Access / Zero Trust be more suitable in your case? :thinking:

Yes, I’m currently using a rule, but if you have a limit of 20 and getting close to it, then using IP Access Rules would save the “space” used.

As for Zero Trust, these are already sub-domains served via Cloudflare Tunnel and Zero Trust access is enforced/managed. It will still go through the WAF Custom Rules, so still need either a custom rule or IP Access Rules.

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