Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526 on my website

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Invalid SSL certificate Error code

What is the issue you’re encountering

Website not accesible

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Talked to hoster. Reissued SSl certifacte on hoster (not possible). Hoster says that this needs to be set up on CF

Was the site working with SSL prior to adding it to Cloudflare?


What is the current SSL/TLS setting?

Full (strict)

" None of the common names in the certificate match the name that was entered ( You may receive an error when accessing this site in a web browser."

Currently, your DNS record(s) aren’t proxied :orange: and I got SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN error returned for

May I ask what SSL option have you got selected under the SSL/TLS tab at Cloudflare dashboard for your domain ( Flexible, Full, Full Strict … )? :thinking:

How about your SSL certificate at the origin host? Was the origin SSL certificate renewed and is it valid? :thinking:

Please double-check your SSL certificate at the origin host and adjust the SSL/TLS option at Cloudflare dashboard accordingly.

Does it work fine over HTTPS with a valid SSL certificate once Cloudflare is Paused temporary?

  1. Use the “Pause Cloudflare on Site” option from the Overview tab for your domain at .
  2. The link is in the lower right corner of that page.
  3. Give it five minutes to take effect, then make sure site is working as expected with HTTPS without any error
  4. Check with your hosting provider / Plesk panel / cPanel AutoSSL / Let’s Encrypt / ACME / Certbot and manually click to renew it
  5. Only then, when your website responds over HTTPS, you should un-pause Cloudflare and double-check your SSL/TLS setting to make sure it’s set to Full (Strict).

May I ask what troubleshooting steps related to the 526 error you’re experiencing have you tried already? :thinking:

Thank you so much for your elaborate answer and will to help.

Earlier today I switched the SSL config in CF to " Automatic SSL/TLS (default)" which selected the Full (Strict) mode. With that I could at least enter my website again, although I got above SSL BAD Cert Error you mention.

I was on the phone even today with my hosting company. OVH. They mentioned that nothing changed on my hosting and that since I have Cloudflare I cannot use their SSL. It’s strange as this site had been working just fine, just something stopped working over night.
I have now requested to “Regenerate Certificate” and also enabled here for the main domain as you can see:

And yes, CF has been Paused all day and still is. I’d appreciate further guidance, as I’m quite out of my depth here. Thanks :slight_smile:

Further looking into this issue, I think I will need to check

“3. Check to make sure the requested domain name (hostname) is in the certificate’s Common Name or Subject Alternative Name (SAN) configuration. If you added a CNAME record for the hostname on Cloudflare, the Common Name or SAN may also match the CNAME target.” from the 5xx troubleshooting guide.
Would you be able to help me do that? Or am I wrong with this?

I have set the SSL Mode to “flexible” this morning to see if that fixes it.

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