Integrating Cloudflare Zero Trust with AWS Route 53 Private Zone DNS

Integrating Cloudflare Zero Trust with AWS Route 53 Private Zone DNS

Hi everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. We’ve recently embarked on integrating Cloudflare One to establish a Zero Trust architecture within our organization. However, we’ve encountered a specific challenge that I hope to get some advice on.

Our Problem:
We utilize AWS Route 53 for DNS, specifically utilizing private zones. These DNS records are not public, which is where our challenge lies. Importantly, we wish to retain Route 53 as our DNS registrar and are not looking to transfer DNS management away from Route 53.

Our Goal:
We aim to connect our Private Zone DNS in Route 53 with Cloudflare Zero Trust. Unfortunately, we’ve hit a roadblock and can’t seem to find a workaround.

Seeking Suggestions:
We are exploring ways to either add these DNS records to Cloudflare or set up a private DNS that Cloudflare can query, ideally before making any requests to If anyone has experience with this or has navigated similar challenges, your insights would be invaluable.

Current Configuration:

  • We are on the Cloudflare One free plan.
  • We have established a tunnel for our PRE environment, including private IP routing.

Any advice, tutorials, or guidance on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

Hi @eduardo.fernandez , were you able to get an answer for this?