Inquiry Regarding Cloudflare Spectrum and Available Ports for Each Plan

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I am currently considering using Cloudflare Spectrum for my application and have some specific inquiries regarding its availability and the ports supported on different plans. 1. Spectrum Availability on Pro Plan: I am aware that Cloudflare Spectrum is available on the Pro, Business, and Enterprise plans. Could you please confirm the extent of Spectrum’s functionality on the Pro plan? Specifically, I am interested in understanding any limitations or differences compared to the Business and Enterprise plans. 2. Supported Ports: For my application, I need to route traffic from my sub domain to a backend service hosted at a server on port 16520 and 16517. Could you provide detailed information on the ports that are available for use with Cloudflare Spectrum on each plan (Pro, Business, and Enterprise)? Understanding the range of supported ports


Spectrum availability is described here, and the chart is quite clear about what is available at each plan level.

TL;DR, You’ll need Enterprise.

Thank you.
This means for the pro plan i cant have a custom protocol only on the enterprise

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