What is the name of the domain?
What is the error number?
403 Cloudflare page
What is the error message?
Cloudflare require captcha solving to proceed
What is the issue you’re encountering
Hello, I wanted to post to ask what the typical response time is to the verified bot application form. My company has built a new product and we believe we meet all the requirements to become a verified bot (scanning over 1,000 pages a day, bot identifies self, bot can be verified via rDNS, etc). We find that the bot often gets blocked by Cloudflare which diminishes its utility (its an SEO tool that check if a page can be indexed from known search engines, and we often report false-positives errors when we visit site links to a domain behind Cloudflare) Either way, it has been several months and we haven’t heard anything back, i have resubmitted today. I searched this forum and found the thread linked below Seeking help to add to Verified Bots where someone was reporting something similar. I’d really appreciate some clarity on this topic. Thank you.