Inconsistent set of NS assigned from cloudflare

When I try to change the NS the Denic precheck says:

error: Durch einen Livecheck der DENIC wurde festgestellt das die Nameserver nicht reagieren oder die Zone falsch eingetragen ist. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre DNS-Einstellungen oder wenden Sie sich an Ihren Support.
Original error: Nameserver error - ERROR: 118 Inconsistent set of NS RRs (IP, NS host names) (, [,])
Nameserver error - ERROR: 118 Inconsistent set of NS RRs (IP, NS host names) (, [,])
Nameserver error - ERROR: 118 Inconsistent set of NS RRs (IP, NS host names) (, [,])
Nameserver error - ERROR: 118 Inconsistent set of NS RRs (IP, NS host names) (, [,])

The NS assigne to my domain are

What’s wrong and how can I fix it?


That looks wrong. Have you opened a Support ticket?

Yes. On Sunday - but no answer till now.

Monday was a US holiday. Today should be better for getting a response.

Hopefully :+1:t3:

do you have a ticket number, so I can make sure it gets a reply soon.

Yes! 1404391 I already sent the ticket # yesterday. Support seems to be a little chaotic :wink:

I wouldn’t call it chaotic :wink:, but they have been seeing an unusually high amount of tickets and the free queue is a little backed up. Good news is that we are growing to team to hopefully keep up better. Stay tuned!