Improve performance

Hi Cloudflare Community,

We want to improve the performance for our website.

What are the best methods to improve the performance on Cloudflare?

  1. Purchase Argo
  2. Purchase Pro Plan
  3. Purchase Business Plan

I’d start with the Pro plan. I have both free and pro sites in my account. The free plan is good but does leave me wanting. Pro is great.
Biz plan is awesome. I have one site on that. But it’s cost restrictive for almost all of my clients.


Just know that CF doesn’t intentionally add milliseconds to the response time or cause pages to be slightly slower, even on the free plan. Upgrading to Pro/Business won’t magically make your website (in terms of TTFB) faster.

What you do get is all of the features that come with the plans, only a few of which might increase speed.

What you get with Business plan (and maybe Pro to a lesser extent) is higher priority for your cache files. If you’re on the free plan and have low traffic at one of the CF datacenters, Cloudflare will evict your cache files after enough time without traffic, making the next visit slower. With business, your cache will have higher priority and probably will be cached for the entire max-age.

However, Argo likely will decrease TTFB and initial load times. If you don’t serve too much bandwidth, I would recommend this. Argo also solves the caching problem with tiered caching.

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All the features can improve the response time.

Dedicated SSL Certificate: How much decreased response time?

Some of the features can decrease the total load time, eg Mirage or polish, but none will fix issues with your origin server having a slow TTFB. Most of the features you get from higher plans help improve security, control, and customization.

None. a dedicated certificate will only change the certificate displayed when you click on the lock and click view certificate. It will not change how fast your website lads.

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If you want to decrease TTFB you’ll have to optimize on the origin server. Or cache HTML on Cloudflare - in which case you can see TTFB down to 18ms.

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