Impossible to update Zero Trust access groups

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What is the issue you’re encountering

Impossible to update Zero Trust access groups

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  • Go to Zero Trust Access groups settings
  • Edit any settings (group criteria, name, etc)
  • Save
  • 500 errors and red message → changes not saved

I cannot reproduce on my end. Are you still having such issue?

Have you tried using a different Web browser or an Incognito mode (Private Window)?

Same issue in another browser/incognito mode + colleagues have the same issues

And you are all in the same team, right? :thinking:
No one is e.g. in two teams, rather if you have let’s say “staging” or “testing” team and then the “production one”, with two Cloudflare accounts? I just wonder since different users and customers have different needs.

May I ask if you’ve tried writing a ticket to Cloudflare Support about this in the meantime?

And you’re not over the limits of the seats or some other for your Team?

May I ask what kind of Zero Trust plan type are you using? Can you check?

Yes all in the same team (we have only one), all users with all permissions granted.

you’re not over the limits of the seats or some other for your Team?

I confirm, we aren’t (7/50)

May I ask if you’ve tried writing a ticket to Cloudflare Support about this in the meantime

It seems we only have community support?

what kind of Zero Trust plan type are you using

Zero Trust Free

Thank you for feedback.

Could you please create an Account ticket via and share feedback on it about your case (yours’ Zero Trust team name and error you’re experiencing), therefrom share a ticket number here so I could notice team about your case? Thank you in advance.

I only have the option to post to the community (which led me to this thread)

hi @fritex, can I have an update on this one? :pray:


Could you try to create an Account ticket then? :thinking:

Strange you don’t see below button “Add more details” once you add the “Summary”:

So, selecting this and domain name: