Impossible to build because of file that there is no way to disable

For Workes & Pages, what is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?

No error number given

What is the error message?

✓ built in 1m 9s 20:05:31.257	 20:05:31.257	Run npm run preview to preview your production build locally. 20:05:31.257	 20:05:31.257	> Using @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare 20:05:31.258	  Function includes/excludes exceeds _routes.json limits (see Dropping 14 exclude rules — this will cause unnecessary function invocations. 20:05:32.781	  ✔ done 20:05:32.982	Finished 20:05:32.982	Found _worker.js in output directory. Uploading. 20:05:35.604	▲ [WARNING] The package "node:events" wasn't found on the file system but is built into node. 20:05:35.605	 20:05:35.606	  Your Worker may throw errors at runtime unless you enable the "nodejs_compat" compatibility flag. Refer to for more details. Imported from: 20:05:35.606	   - _worker.js 20:05:35.606	 20:05:35.606	 20:05:35.606	▲ [WARNING] 1 warning(s) when compiling Worker. 20:05:35.606	 20:05:35.606	 20:05:35.928	Found _routes.json in output directory. Uploading. 20:05:35.942	Validating asset output directory 20:05:36.928	 20:05:37.047	✘ [ERROR] Error: Pages only supports files up to 25 MiB in size 20:05:37.047	 20:05:37.047 is 29.1 MiB in size 20:05:37.047	 20:05:37.047	 20:05:37.064	🪵  Logs were written to "/root/.config/.wrangler/logs/wrangler-2024-07-12_02-05-36_762.log" 20:05:37.074	Failed to validate assets in the output directory with code: 1 20:05:38.770	Failed: error occurred while validating assets in your output directory. Check the logs above for more information. 20:05:38.770	Note: Not all logs could be displayed, click "Download log" to view more

What is the issue or error you’re encountering

Build fails because ‘’ is over 25mb limit but I don’t use workers and I don’t know where that file comes from.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have been troubleshooting this for over 8 hours today. I’ve tried to disable the source map in wrangler.toml config but it doesn’t do anything. I’ve been searching for hours and can’t find anything useful about this.

I don’t use workers. I’m using pages, trying to deploy with sveltekit adapter cloudflare.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Hard to say? I have no idea where this is coming from.

Screenshot of the error

Is this what you’re talking about?

I tried and it didn’t seem to have an effect. Is there a way to explicitly not upload certain files?