Images are still very slow, using dev mode fixes it

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

non svg images are loading very slow wich have a bypass Cloudlfare Cache header

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Use developer mode fixes the slow loading of the images, that’s why I believe the problem is on Cloudlare 's side

Hi there,

Randomly testing a few images in your website, I can’t seem to find any issues with them.
Having a cf-cache-status: BYPASS header means the image is loaded from the origin every time:

This means it’s dependent on your origin speed rather than Cloudflare edge.

The reason for this “Bypass” is origin cache-control set to private.
My advice is that you change the header at the origin to allow caching at the edge, and you should see an improvement in performance. Alternatively a rule can be created under Caching > Cache Rules to ignore origin headers and force cache.
Here’s how I would do it:

The expression I used was:
( in {"" ""} and http.request.uri.path contains "wp-content/uploads" and ends_with(http.request.full_uri, "png"))

Take care.

Hi @mcorreia thank you so much for your answer.
I I’m happy to say I found the reason why it was sometimes loading very slow. There’s a plugin in Wordpress that prefetches pages, and with an update it lost its configuration and started prefecthing content when it shouldn’t hecne making the site load slow at times.

And the private flag is expected as this is because to prevent to cache say avif and load the cached version in a device that doesn’t support avif for example, Further info here:

You too!

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