When you fetch a page as Google - it sometimes gets temporarily unreachable or even redirects to itself.
However, if you try to do it again - it gets fetched normally.
Even then page gets fetched correctly, there are still some problems with loading assets: 02|690x153
My thoughts are: We have 3 domain names: www, s3 and api linked via Cloudflare with caching enabled.
All of them are different web servers and s3 is definitely available since it’s just a file storage.
Since the problem is appearing time to time and Cloudflare is the only common among these three servers I would say that the problem is somewhere in Cloudflare.
I may try to temporarily disable Cloudflare to confirm it.
I am also getting similar google crawl issues to my website
I have contacted my hosting provider, but of no use.
Please help me in resolving the issue.
It is giving 522 error in my google web master tools. And Fetch as google tool in my google web master tool is saying, “Temporarily Unreachable”.