I'm getting a 522 error when trying to access my Pages site

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Connection timed out Error code 522

What is the issue you’re encountering

Cannot access my Pages site, error 522

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

  • I can access the Pages site through arnold-now.pages.dev
  • I have set up two CNAMEs, one for the root → arnold-now.pages.dev, and one for www → arnold.now
  • I have tried all proxy settings, but error persists
  • Custom domain is active in the Pages dashboard

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

visit arnold.now or www.arnold.now, encounter error

Screenshot of the error

I also read something about adding Apex DNS Create zone apex record | Cloudflare DNS docs but I am not sure if that’s relevant. Any help would be highly appreciated!

It’s possible I’ll need to wait a while as I just set it up one hour ago.

A few hours later, still not working… I guess I’ll check it later tonight or tomorrow.

Don’t add CNAME entries. Delete any you’ve added. Add the domain name as a Custom Domain in the Pages project and the DNS entries will be handled for you.


Thank you, I will give that a try. I am OK to keep the TXT records, right? Or can I delete those two, assuming Cloudflare will take care of it?

TXT records are unrelated to Pages projects, so if you have them (for email, etc) then keep them.

To be completely sure I have deleted pretty much everything from my Cloudflare account and started again.

I started from the Pages section to upload my hello world site through github. That is now available at the following URL:

Then, in the Pages section I went to custom domain to add my domain arnold.now. Not sure if this matters but I bought the domain at namecheap.

So I set up the domain, didn’t add any CNAMEs myself and let the Cloudflare system do it. Everything is active and verified, I don’t see any errors in the dashboard. I set up the nameservers previously at namecheap so I don’t think there are any issues there.

But somehow it’s still not working. Instead of the previous 522 error I get a standard Chrome error screen with DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

I checked this article: Community Tip - Fixing the DNS PROBE FINISHED NXDOMAIN error and I don’t think any of the tips apply to my situation.

When checking WHOIS then it does seem that the c name is not yet propogated or registered? Should I just wait then?

I am SO sorry that I am bothering you with this. All your help is highly appreciated!

You added arnold.now but not www.arnold.now, so the latter doesn’t resolve. Add the www version as another custom domain and you should be good to go.


Thanks so much @i40west. To be clear though, I did not add any CNAMEs, I left it all to Cloudflare.

In any case, I added a CNAME www → arnold.now and now I get a new error message. :sweat_smile:

Error Code 525 SSL Handshake Failed. I’ll check the forum for this error and update this thread.

Update, the SSL Handshake error could be fixed by changing the SSL/TLS encryption to Flexible. Big thanks to @i40west!!

Like I said before, don’t add CNAMEs. Delete that, put your SSL/TLS mode back to Full Strict, and add www.arnold.now as a custom domain to the Pages project just like you added arnold.now.

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Yeah I was confused about that. When I tried to add www.arnold.now as a custom domain it rejected it saying it gave me an error saying Please ensure you are providing the root domain and not any subdomains (e.g., example.com, not subdomain.example.com)

But to your point I do see inconsistent behavior now.
https://arnold.now works but http://arnold.now doesn’t.
I’ll check it again tomorrow as it’s late where I am. Thanks for all your guidance!

Hi again @i40west !

I tried it again, I must have clicked something else than before, and now I have both added as custom domains. I set the SSL back to Full Scrict, and so far it seems to be working OK!

I have already taken up too much of your time. Thanks so much again, and hopefully we can regard this issue as solved.

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